Comandos Jugador
Player Commands
- Chat channel system: #trade #guild #party #bg #support with distinctive colors.
- [ROTD] @rotd Race of the Day , it consists of an npc that will randomly choose one race per day of monster (Plant / Fire / Water / Earth / UnDead ...) on which will give you an exclusive drop / experience bonus, even with scheduled events to enjoy more.
- Added @norecall command to avoid getting involved in a WoE while your guild participates.
- Exclusive system of icons that you can now see, skills that did not appear before in the skill bar! Forget, Bragi, Sunset, Pneuma, Poem, Emergency Recall.
- @commands, @refresh, @request, @autoloot/@alootid +4001, @rates, @go, @storage, @gstorage, @autotrade, @noks, @mobinfo/@mi, @iteminfo/@ii, @time, @whodrops, @hominfo, @homstats, @showexp, @exp, @showdelay, @uptime, @whereis, @feelreset, @help,@jailtime, @noask, @channel, @me, @duel/@accept/@reject/@leave/@invite, @changegm, @autoloottype, @whogm